
Is There Nicotine in Sonic Hot Chocolate?

Let's get down to brass task, eh? First thing's first, we have a winner of the Charli Girls giveaway and her name is CeCe from Frugalista Getting Married. She chose the Godet Cardigan and the Linen Cardigan, (which I totally would've picked if I'd won...just sayin), valued at $260!

Y'all give her a semi-forced round of applause (kind of like the Runners-Up do at the Miss America pageant when you know they wanted to win, but totally didn't ; ) Seriously though, CeCe, enjoy your prizes! You are beautiful and will more than do justice to these clothes ; )

Moving right along........

I have completely foregone my beloved Starbucks lattes, but don't cry for me Argentina! I did a little simple math the other day and, in addition to getting a migraine headache, discovered that my $5 a day gourmet caffeine habit was costing me more per year than I spend on my gym membership. Oh irony.

Sewwww, I have switched to a much cheaper and less calorie laden seasonal beverage (enter, hot chocolate) from my local Sonic and I'm already hooked. I crave them, have dreams about them and might want to marry them if I wasn't already committed to S.

 If you live in the South where we're lucky enough to have Sonic Drive-Ins, go getcha some. If you don't, my condolences.

My girls at Maude Boutique posted some new pics the other day of recent arrivals to the store. Why oh why must they have such ridiculously cute merchandise all the time? My body and closet love it, but my wallet...eh, not so much.

Luckily, everything there is super affordable, which is why I go often. Just doing my part to support the local economy in Northwest Arkansas.

I had a request the other day to start doing an Outfit of the Week post. I'm not sure what I wear on a daily basis is that noteworthy, but my weekend wear is a tick better, so I'd be glad to give it a shot. Except when it's "that time of the month" because I'm all puffy and preggers looking. That will be my "bye" week.

Maybe I'll start incorporating it into my Trend Watch Wednesday posts? To be continued....

Y'all take care this weekend.

Be blessed, lovelies-


  1. LOVE me some hot chocolate from Sonic. I get one on the way to work occasionally, and it always seems to brighten the night a little bit. They're delish! Loving those outfits. I'll be in NWA in a few months for a wedding, and I'm gonna have to swing by that boutique, as much as you discuss it, you've convinced me to take a shopping break there :)

    I'm totally loving the idea of Outfit of the Week! That would be so fun. And girl please, you know good and well that your daily outfits are totally noteworthy :)

    Happy Friday to you!

  2. maybe i'll head over to sonic during lunch and get a hot chocolate and a foot long chili cheese dog ... not! but i would try the hot choco! haha hope you have a wonderful weekend love! xo

  3. an outfit of the week post would be perfect! i'm looking forward to those... :) and never even thought about getting a hot chocolate from sonic, but maybe one of these days i will!

  4. Congrats to the winner!! I love the sweater in the second photo. Mmm, I'm a starbucks addict as well. I better give it a try..

    Visit my blog:

  5. I would love to see an outfit of the week from you. I am SSSssssssoooooo excited to have won your give away!!!!!!!! Can you tell?? Those sweaters are just beautiful and I wanted them so badly never thinking I would actually win!! It's actually the first blogger give away that I've ever entered! This is a great way to kick off my weekend!! Thanks so much!!!

  6. I adore that first dress! So gorgeous! Have a fabulous weekend, sweet Leslie! xoxo

  7. Have a great weekend, girl! And I have to try that sonic drink! I've never had their coffee!!

  8. Have a great weekend!! xo Cindy

  9. What great looks! I'll have to put Sonic hot chocolate on my list of things to try!! Happy Weekend! :)

  10. Your blog is so adorable! I love all the pictures!

  11. OH this sounds so fun! Cant wait!

  12. I will have to try the hot chocolate..I had no idea! And congrats to Cece!

  13. Now I'm gonna HAVE to run to Sonic so I can taste for myself what you're addicted to!

  14. Just came across your blog, I'm also a Pumpkin Latte addict but a couple weeks ago I discovered this blog with a receipe for a pumpkin latte you should try it out.

  15. Oh I love Sonic. If you have never picked up their tater tots then I suggest those as well! They're great!

  16. You are right there are ALL super cute.

    Hey BTW - I added your super cute blog to my blogroll... thanks for bringing such good inspiration!


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