"Here's my spooky story ...
I went to college at Ursinus College in Collegeville, PA. It's a small, liberal arts college in southeastern PA, but has grown considerably in the last couple of years. When they ran out of housing on the main campus, the college bought out all of the houses along Main Street across the street and converted them into dorm-type housing for the school. These houses are easily 200 years old and many of them came with stories. The house I lived in - known on campus as "Hobson" supposedly had two ghosts living in it. The first was the ghost of a sorority girl from only a couple of decades ago. She apparently died suddenly of some strange flu and was known to hover around the third (top) floor of the house and study. The other ghost was the ghost of a little boy who was the son of one of the servants that lived in the house a long time ago. He apparently ran out into the street and was struck and killed by a car. He haunted - supposedly - the house and you knew he was there because he would leave dimes around.
Needless to say - when I was a sophomore and started living in the house I didn't buy into any of these stories. I lived there my sophomore, junior and senior years of college. The first semester of my senior year, I was studying really late one night - I think it was around 2:30/3 in the morning and I was in the downstairs common room (the library closed at 2 and my roommate was asleep) on the couch. For some reason I started to get a little freaked out - the room had huge windows that faced the empty street and I figured I was just psyching myself out - so I decided to call it a night. As I stood up, I heard something fall to the floor. I knelt down to see what it was - it was dime. It had literally appeared out of nowhere.
When I told my mom about this she said it must have fallen out of my pocket but I was wearing sweatpants - no pockets - and a tshirt.
I totally freaked out and RAN upstairs to my room.
And I never studied down there alone at night again."