David Sedaris is hands down my favorite writer off all time, (next to Eudora Welty and Augusten Burroughs, of course), so you can imagine my excitement when I found out that he will be at the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville on Tuesday, October 13!

At 7:00 p.m. in Baum Walker Hall, Sedaris will deliver a 60-minute reading followed by approximately 20 minutes of Q&A. There will be a book signing in the lobby after the performance. So like the total dork I am, I will be taking his latest book, "When You Are Engulfed In Flames", in hopes he will write some really Sedarian comment inside of it : )
Wanna go too? Click here to purchase your tickets today!
Now, for the big question.....What will I wear!?
I LOVE David Sedaris!