
Look Who's Blogging Now!

It's my very first blog post and the innagural post of A Blonde Ambition. Let me start by saying, blogging is something I never thought I would do. I began my first "real" job a year ago after my college graduation, (GO ASU!), and began working for a major bank in Arkansas. Part of my job involves adminning a blog and I have grown to really enjoy it!

I'm actively involved in Facebook and enjoy reading the blogs of other young women, especially those of Kelly Stamps http://www.kellyskornerblog.com/ and Tiffany Selvey http://songbirdtiff.blogspot.com/, also fellow NWA-ers.

I hope you will all follow me on my blogging journey as it will no doubt be an interesting one! Feel free to share your own stories and blogging experiences with me, too!