
Confessional Friday: {Link-Up}

Hey girls- It's Friday. Can I get an 'amen'?!

This afternoon, we're heading down to my parents' for the weekend to participate in my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary! I'm so proud to have not only one but TWO sets of grandparents that have been married 50+ years. Anywho, I wanted to write this week's confessions before I left today : )

1. Not a confession, but...today is the Cotton Bowl and AR will take on Kansas State! I'm hoping like the dickens that we win this game so that we can go out on a high note this season. I am SO, SO proud of our Razorback boys for what they've accomplished this year. Hats off to Coach Petrino for turning this team into a force to be reckoned with.

2. My arms are so sore this morning that I may or may not have put off washing my hair until tomorrow, simply because it hurt to raise them over my head. Thank you, dear husband for the 4 sets of tricep dips and lateral raises you put me through in the gym yesterday : ) (But no really, I'm glad to have a fitness guru in my life. )

3. I've gotten a few emails about my hair color and what my girl does to achieve it. I'll confess...I have no idea. Honestly, I would tell ya if I knew, but to my knowledge, she just puts a plain old blonde highlight in there. I *think* she puts an occasional low-light in there, from time to time. I get it highlighted about once every 8-10 weeks, if that helps at all : )

4. I'm craving an iHop pancake breakfast like nobody's biz this morning.

5. But like a good girl, I'll eat my Greek yogurt and drink my hot tea and abstain from any traces of maple syrup.

6. I fantasize about food sometimes. Am I the only one? Yes? Hmmpf.

7. I not only watched, but was completely consumed by a new show on MTV called Caged last night. They showed a sneak preview episode around 11:00 last night and it came on the TV right when I was dozing off. I woke up and watched the whole 52 minutes of Louisiana cage-fighting, beer drinkin', bar brawling, reality-tv goodness.

8. I'm embarrassed to say that I also watched the Jersey Shore premiere, as well, which came on right before Caged.

9. In case you were wondering, I'm also very, very excited for the Dance Moms premiere next week.

10. Did anyone else watch RHOBH this week where Brandy admitted that she used to "roofy" herself before she flew on planes. This is reason #459 why I. LOVE. HER.

That is all.

Oh and GO HOGS.

Be blessed, lovelies-

Update: I don't think the InLinkz tool in working today (heard of other blogs having problems too), so just leave a link to your blog in the comments field if you want to participate! THANKS!!


  1. Yay, Go Razorbacks :)

  2. I need to link up because I should also confess that I watched Jersey Shore, I LOVE all the Housewives and I watch all of them. Yes I did see where Brandy admitted to roofy-ing herself. I should try this?

    GOOD luck to your team tonight! UGA lost their bowl game in overtime (X3) and it was a sad day, so good luck!

  3. I sadly love Jersey Shore too... I think it is a self confidence booster.

    And Brandy and that string she wore last episode... RHOBH is a guilty pleasure

  4. I cannot stand Brandi! I think her clothes are too skimpy, I'm tired of seeing her nipples, and she is an attention ho! And really just one in general. But that's just my humble opinion :)

  5. Okay no you are NOT the only one who fantasizes about food! I had a whole dream about cheese filled pasta the other night... and had salmon for dinner lol

    My favorite pancakes are from Cracker Barrell - I like the oatmeal ones and my sister will swear by the Blueberry with extra Blueberry topping, but she will only eat that in front of family because blueberries are worse than red wine for your teeth!

  6. Linking up... yay for Friday! :)


  7. hope the SEC wins tonight! this kentucky fan will be pulling for the razorbacks to pull out a win!

    and i caught up on my RHOBH last night. brandi is OOC and i love her for it! lisa was my favorite in that episode. she always makes me laugh out loud!

  8. You're definitely not the only one that daydreams about food. Especially when a craving hits but you don't want to indulge...I think about it for days before I forget about whatever yummy food it is that I want!

  9. Linking Up!


    and I daydream about food CONSTANTLY.

  10. Goooooooooooood luck Razorbacks! I earned brownie points with Le Beau because I knew Arkansas was playing in the Cotton Bowl today...but then confessed the only reason I knew why was because I follow your blog. My beau was impressed that you enjoy fashion and know SEC football so well, so props chica!

    Happy happy friday! I'm linking up!


  11. I confessed today at http://razorbackbritt.blogspot.com/2012/01/confessional-friday-link-up.html

    Woo Pig!

  12. I dream about food all the time....yumm

    linking up


  13. I am going to say this loud n' proud because I myself am a SEC girl - GO HOGS!!! I've been rooting for all the SEC teams across the board.. the only one you won't hear me chanting for obviously is LSU... not for lack of loving but for lack of wanting them to beat my Crimson Tide.

    I hope the Razorbacks take 'em down!!!

    I am going to have to start linking up to confession Friday - I have been doing random musings and this goes hand in hand!

  14. An LSU girl here, gladly rooting for the Razorbacks tonight! Would like to see them have another win tallied up!

  15. linked up for the first time


    I've def had the days after working out that I become worthless and can't do anything because I'm so sore!

    Have a great weekend!

  16. Here's to an SEC Victory!! I had tea this morning too! I watched J.S. last night and I do not think I'll be watching it again. I HATE that our society has taken to them and made them famous...for what? Drinking and sleeping with people? No wonder the teenage generation has problems! And wow I sound like an adult haha.


  17. linking up & new follower!


  18. This is one of my fave linkups, so of course, I am linking up!

    I am a huge fan of IHOP breakfasts, too.

    And I have been working out a lot, and I am killing myself. My muscles are screaming!


  19. whoo pig sooie!

    omg i freakin love dance moms, so entertaining.

    my arms are also sore, but not from a workout just simply from trying to open a jar of pickles. obvi i needs to be working out. sooo out of shape.

  20. Have a GREAT weekend my friend!!
    60 years is an amazing accomplishment :)
    And that's awesome that you and the hubs are working out together... I need to find some motivation ASAP!!

  21. I have read your blog for a few months now but have never posted. I will start today.

    My daughter LOVES "Dance Moms" and can't wait for it to come back on. She has watched every episode from season 1 on the Ipad!

    I have started eating healthy and I think about food all the time - I hope over time it gets better.

  22. I also hate to admit that I watched Jersey Shore last night. It's such a trainwreck I just can't help but watch!

    I'm a Big 12 girl, but not a Kansas State fan.. So I'll join the cause! Go Hogs!

  23. Annye & I have joined the party.


  24. I linked up!

  25. RHOBH? Umm yes please! And Brandi is absolutely nuts - hahaha! As soon as she said that I hit the DVR rewind button to make sure I heard her correctly - hahaha!

  26. 1.) both my sets of grandparents were/are married 60+ years! And I'm blessed to have good role models.
    2.) I'm so HAPPY I'm not the only brandi fan!! The roofi comment was great. " I don't do that anymore because it's not legal". Those housewives are crazy!!

  27. Loving Confessional Fridays!


  28. this is my first time linking up and I love it!! so glad I found this linkup :)


    Happy Friday!

  29. I'm super excited about Dance Mom's coming back too!! I seriously contemplated watching Caged...then decided not to...and now I'm thinking about it again!!! I fantasize about food ALL THE TIME!! Have a good weekend.

  30. YAY for my first link up ! Hope I did it right !! Love your blog & so glad I followed you !


  31. I love your blog, and I love Confessional Friday! Greatest idea ever :)

    I'm linking up!


    Andrea xoxo

  32. Linking up! Happy Friday!


  33. oh, and one more confession...i've never watched Jersey Shore. I think this needs to change!

  34. you're definitely not the only one who fantasizes about food. ;)

  35. Linked up!


    xoxo caitlin

  36. i'm so excited about dance mom's that it's almost embarrassing. i'm sure abby will be even more over the top this season!
    and brandy?!....i'm still undecided on her. :)
    have a great weekend celebrating your grandparents! what an awesome testimony of love!!

  37. I just posted my confessions :) First time linking up and confessing.

    Here's my link:


    Thanks :D
    New follower also ;)

    Katrine :)

  38. Love that you guys work out together! And I forgot to write you back and thank you for the kudos on my hair recently. You talking about yours in this post reminded me! Thank you so much! And girl, I want YOUR hair! For real. It always looks so shiny and healthy! I feel like mine is starting to look dry and brassy in this winter business.

    Happy anniversary to your grandparents! What an admirable and outstanding accomplishment! 60 years! Love it!

    Oh and I totally daydream about food sometimes. It is what it is. ;)

  39. I've just joined Pinterest- the bestie invited me! i am oh so addicted, how goooooood is it???!! xxx


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